My how time flies! I have to get my scanner and camera better organized - as I have some very cool pictures to post - but all my stuff is downstairs in the GramCrafters Cafe (stampin studio) and the current puter with the scanner is upstairs in my office. Now, mind you, I am getting better about going up and down the stairs for a lil exercise.....but gheesh!!! I am getting better at most things these days, slowly but surely....small steps, small changes...Thank GOD!
So let me share some highlight pics from Denver, CO when Stephanie and I talked to Shelli - the great one.....she is just so DANG nice! unBElieveABLE!!
Anyway - trying to prep for a nice big workshop for and with my daughter Stephanie. Its going to be at her Dad's house in Long Valley NJ - where we all used to live...before Steph graduated from West Morris Central HS...once she was out - we were on our way to PA - hey that rhymes! Woo Hoo....ok ok so you can tell I am tired out and on starbucks? So better finish up.....got a lot more stuff to do! And I will post pics - cuz I can!!!
later dudettes!